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1994 , Le e et l., 1994 , Rous e et a l., 1994 ; a re strongly a nd commonly a ctivate d by a riety of stimulation s uch a s UV irra diation, os motic stre s s , a the infla mmatory cytokine s T NF IL-1. S e cond , it is a lso pos s ible that S NAP a nd DFO may have diffe re nt prima ry ta rgets , a nd the s igna ls tra ns duce d by diffe re nt initia l mole cule s ca n joine d before or at p38 kina s e to ctivate the downstre a m e nzyme ca s ca Third , a s we have a lre a dy s ugge ste d , the dire ct affinity of NO to iron, a nd the re s ulting iron los s ca n rve a s the principa l me cha nis m for p38 kina s e a ctivation, a nd dis ruption of mitochrondria l inte grity a nd ca ctivation a ll at the sa me time . More pre cis e expe rime nts s uch a s 1 ; dire ct me a ure me nt of intra ce llula r iron conte nt of HL-60 ce lls afte r NO tre atme nt, 2 ; compa ris on of ce llula r s e itivity to NO or iron che lator, 3 ; dete rmination of prote ctive effe cts of iron-conta ining compounds in NO-me diate d ce ll ath, a nd 4 ; dete rmination of a dditive a poptotic effe ct obse rve d by combination of S NAP with DFO may indicate that the third me cha nis m is more pla us ible . It wa rticula rly inte re sting to find that ca s pa ctivate d by the DFO tre atme nt in HL-60 ce lls . Be ca known a s a initiator of a poptos is in the de ath re ce ptor-me diate d syste m C D95 APO-1 Fa s ; , a ctivation of ca s DFO indicate s that iron de privation induce s ce ll ath by a ctivating the de ath re ce ptor-me diate d syste m ca s previous ly s hown for the NO-me diate d a poptos is with huma n ne opla stic lymphoid ce lls 18 ; . NO hown to induce gre ate r a poptotic ce ll de ath in APO-S high expre ss ion of C D95 ; tha n in APO-R la cking expre ss ion of C D95 ; jurkat ce lls 18 ; . Thus , it might be inte re sting to compa re the intra ce llula r iron conte nt in both J urkat ce lls . In fa ct, Kim et a l. monstrate d that he patocyte s ce lls with high non-he me iron conte nt ; a re highly re s ista nt to NO , while RAW264 .7 ce lls a ce ll type with low non-he me iron leve ls ; a re not. Iron ha s be hown to favor ne opla stic ce ll growth a nd to dis play ca rcinoge nic a ctivity Toyokuni, 1996 , We inbe rg , 1989 ; . Authors have cle a rly s hown that iron a ccumulation in ma ny orga ns is corre late d with the proce ss of ca rcinoge ne s is Accordingly, multiple studie s have indicate d that ce ll iron efflux could contribute to preve ntion a nd ma nce r Amoros o et a l., 2000 , Toyokuni, 1996 , We inbe rg , 1999 ; . As the host may e nde avor to withdraw the iron from ca nce r ce lls via the synthe s is of stia n et a l., 1994 , Dra pie r et a l., 199 1 ; , e lucidation of the re lations hip betwe e n NO intra ce llula r iron leve l may he lp to deve lop new the ra pe utic a pproa che s to re duce or preve nt ne opla stic tumor ce ll growth. De s pite the exte ns ive re se a rch in the fie ld of NO biology, the me cha nis m by which NO inhibits ce ll de ath by blocking ca s pa ctivity in s ome ce lls a nd induce s ce ll ath through a ctivation of ca s othe rs , is still a n unexpla ine d pa ra dox. He re , we.
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To treat b-cell lymphomas, rituximab at a dose of 250 mg qw ; is sometimes administered with ibritumomab tiuxetan, an immunoconjugatein which the monoclonal antibody ibritumomab is covalently bound totiuxetan, a high-affinity, linker-chelator for the radioisotopes yttrium-90 y-90 ; or indium-111 in-111.
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[1] D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin, "Speech and Language Processing", 2nd ed., Pearson Education Publishers, pp 799827. [2] T. Matsuoka, R. Hasson, M. Barlow, S. Furui, "Language Acuisition From A Text Corpus For Speech UnderStanding", ICASSP-96. Conference Proceedings, 1996. [3] G. Dalkilic, Y. Cebi, "Word Statistics of Turkish Language on a Large Scale Text Corpus", ITCC International Conference, Volume 2, pp 319-324, 2004. [4] N.S Dash, B.B. Chaudhuri, "Using Text Corpora for Understanding Polysemy in Bangla", Language Engineering Conference, pp 99 - 109, December 1315, 2002. [5] M. Xiaoyi, "Text collection at Linguistic Data Consortium", Machine Translation Summit VII, Kent Ridge Digital Labs, National University of Singapore September 16, 1999. [6] Linguistic Data Consortium [Online]. Available: : ldc.upenn.
P 0.02 * p 0.01 Reference: Reid G, Charbonneau D, Erb J, Kochanowski B, Beuerman D, Poehner R, Bruce AW. Oral use of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1TM and L. fermentum reuteri ; RC-14 significantly alters vaginal flora: randomized, placebo-controlled trial in 64 healthy women. FEMS. Immunol Med Microbiol. 2003, 20; 35 ; : 131-4 and idarubicin.
1 2 The Sphere Project. Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in disaster response. Oxford: Oxfam Publishing, 2004. World Health Organization. WHO appeals for US$ 66 million to prevent disease outbreaks in tsunami-affected Southeast Asia; 150 000 people at `extreme risk' of dying of preventable disease. mediacentre news releases 2005 pr01 en index accessed 20 May 2005 ; . Chan CC, Lin YP, Chen HH, Chang TY, Cheng TJ, Chen LS. A population-based study on the immediate and prolonged effects of the 1999 Taiwan earthquake on mortality. Ann Epidemiol 2003; 13: 502-8. Kysely J. Mortality and displaced mortality during heat waves in the Czech Republic. Int J Biometeorol 2004; 49: 91-7. Depoortere E, Checchi F, Broillet F, Gerstl S, Minetti A, Gayraud O, et al. Violence and mortality in West Darfur, Sudan 2003-04 ; : epidemiological evidence from four surveys. Lancet 2004; 364: 1315-20.
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New Member Reception by invitation only Welcome Vincent Falanga, Boston University, MA; Roger Williams Medical Center, RI, U.S.A. Introduction Luisa DiPietro, Loyola University Medical Center, U.S.A. Keynote Address A CALL TO AMPHIBIAN ARMS: WEAPONS FOR MAMMALIAN REGENERATION David Stocum, PhD, Indiana University Center for Regenerative Biology and Medicine, U.S.A. Sponsored by an Educational Grant from Exhibit Hall Opening Reception & Blue Ribbon Poster Session Sponsored by an Educational Grant from.
Directly from the supplier when the order for the kits is placed. Currently, the kits must be ordered at least 12 days prior to the date of planned Y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan administration. Contraindications: The therapeutic regimen is contraindicated in patients with known type I hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reactions to murine proteins or to any component of the product, including rituximab, yttrium chloride, and indium chloride. The drug should not be administered to patients with altered biodistribution of In-111 ibritumomab tiuxetan. Patients who have greater than 25% bone marrow involvement with lymphoma and or impaired bone marrow reserve should not receive treatment with ibritumomab tiuxetan. This includes patients who have platelet counts less than 100, 000 mm3, neutrophil counts less than 1, 500 mm3, and bone marrow that is less than or equal to 15% cellular and patients who have had prior myeloablative therapy or a history of failed stem cell collection. Nursing implications: Nurses caring for patients treated with the ibritumomab tiuxetan regimen should do the following. Before administering the rituximab, review the results of the patient's complete blood count, concomitant medications, and use of other products herbs, vitamins, etc. ; . Before scheduling the rituximab infusions, confirm that the pretreatment testing has been completed and the results have been reviewed by the treating hematologist and nuclear medicine physician or radiation oncologist. Confirm scheduling times and isotope order dates with the nuclear pharmacist. Review the patient's medical and allergy history. History of severe reactions to rituximab may be a contraindication for treatment with ibritumomab tiuxetan. Counsel patients and partners with childbearing potential to use reliable birth control. Teach patients about and assess for treatment side effects. Teach patients about the radiation safety precautions recommended after the Y-90 treatment. Monitor blood counts at least weekly for 12 weeks after the Y-90 treatment. Patients may require transfusions or growth factors after treatment. Inform patients about the RESULTS reimbursement support line program 800386-9997 ; , which can provide assistance with insurance verification, billing assistance, and information about the Patient Assistance Program and ifosfamide.
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Biology and ecology Invaded habitats Ecology and dispersal Waste ground, sandy shores or dunes. Ruderal species forming extensive thickets due to root and stem suckering. Long-distance dispersal by seeds or stem root pieces. Seeds dispersed by water or small animals. R. rugosa prefers light, well-drained soil and sun exposure, and a continental type of climate. East Asia Korea, Japan, eastern China ; . Introduced as an ornamental at the end of the 18 century. Used as an ornamental and for hedges.
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TO THE EDITOR: With interest we read the dosimetric analysis of radioimmunotherapy using 90Y-labeled ibritumomab by Wiseman et al. 1 ; . We were surprised by the very low absorbed kidney dose. Because there is no actual targeting of the kidney and because the kidney dose can be attributed to activity in the blood; activity in the urine in the tubuli, calices, and pelvis; and radiation by adjacent organs such as the liver, it is curious that the kidney dose is so much lower than that of other organs and even lower than the dose to the urinary bladder wall. Our own radioimmunotherapy data and other studies using radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies for nonmyeloablative radioimmunotherapy report kidney doses of several grays 2 4 ; , whereas the study of Wiseman et al. suggests that kidney doses do not exceed 0.76 Gy 1 ; . possible explanation for this observation may be that the region of interest ROI ; for the kidneys was drawn around the right kidney. Because there is significant uptake in the liver, most counts in this kidney ROI can be attributed to the liver. Situating a background region next to the kidney, over the liver, would result in subtraction of background mainly consisting of liver counts ; from kidney mainly consisting of liver counts ; , resulting in low numbers or even in the extremely unlikely kidney dose of 0.0003 Gy that was reported in the article. To prevent underestimation of kidney doses, we usually draw ROIs around the left kidney, representing both kidneys, since no other organs not even the spleen in most lymphoma patients ; project over this kidney and ibritumomab.
Precautions: before starting ibritumomab treatment, make sure you tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking including prescription, over-the-counter, vitamins, herbal remedies, etc and intal.
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In previous studies demonstrating the polyclonal structure of familial intestinal adenomas, high tumor multiplicity made it difficult to eliminate the possibility that polyclonality arose by the random collision of distinct initiated clones as opposed to some form of clonal interaction. We sought to test further the random collision hypothesis. Chimeric mice carrying the multiple intestinal neoplasia Min ; mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli gene Apc ; and homozygous for the tumor resistance allele of the Mom1 locus were established. These chimeras also display a strong propensity for tumors of polyclonal structure, despite their markedly reduced tumor multiplicity. Considering tumor sizes and multiplicities, the observed fraction of overtly polyclonal heterotypic adenomas was significantly higher than predicted by the random collision hypothesis. This finding supports models of polyclonality involving interaction among multiple initiated clones. The extent of clonal interaction was assessed by statistical analyses that relate the observed frequency of overtly polyclonal heterotypic tumors to the geometry of the chimeric patches and the pattern of underlying crypts. These statistical calculations indicate that the familial adenomas of the ApcMin mouse may commonly form through interactions between clones as close as 12 crypt diameters apart and invirase.
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