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Prednisone in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Eur J Haematol 46: 117, 1992 I I I Langenmeyer I, Schlag R, Hallek M, Dietzfelbinger H, Nehrl C, Knauf W, Maubach PA, Ziegler Heitbrock HW, Thiel E, Emmerich B: Interferon alfa 2B in the treatment of early stage CLL with high risk for progression. First report of a randomized multicenter AIO-study. Cytokines in Hemopoiesis, Oncology, and AIDS 1991. p 98a 112. Heslop HE, Brenner MK, Ganeshaguru K, Hoffbrand AV: Possible mechanism of action of interferon alpha in chronic B-cell malignancies. Br J Haematol 7914, 1991 113. Jewell AP, Yong KL, Worman CP. Tsakona CP. Giles FJ, Goldstone AH: Serum macrophage colony-stimulating factor MCSF ; levels correlate with clinical response to interferon-alpha in patients with early-stage B-CLL. Br J Haematol 86: 441, 1994 Jewell AP, Yong KL, Worman CP. Giles FJ, Goldstone AH, Lydyard PM: Cytokine induction of leucocyte adhesion molecule- I LAM-l ; expression on chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells. Leukemia 6400, 1992 115. Schena M, Gaidano G, Gottardi D, Malavasi F, Larsson LG, Nilsson K, Caligaris-Cappio F Molecular investigation of the cytokines produced by normal andmalignant B lymphocytes. Leukemia 6: 120, 1992 Aguilar Santelises M, Magnusson R, Svenson SB, Loftenius A, Anderson B, Mellstedt H, Jondal M: Expression of interleukin-l alpha, interleukin-l beta and interleukin-6 in chronic B lymphocytic leukemia B-cell ; cells from patients at different stages of disease progression. Clin Exp Immunol 84: 422, 1991 Biondi A, Rossi V, Bassan R, Barbui T, Bettoni S, Sironi M, Mantovani A, Rambaldi A: Constitutive expression ofthe interleukin-6 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood 73: 1279, 1989 Di Celle PF, Carbone A, Marchis D, Zhou D, Sozzani S, Zupo S, Pini M, Mantovani A, Foa R: Cytokine gene expression in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Evidence of constitutive interleukin-8 IL-8 ; mRNA expression and secretion of biologically active IL-8 protein. Blood 84: 221, 1994 Frishman J, Long B, Knospe W, Gregory S, Plate J: Genes for interleukin 7 are transcribed in leukemic cell subsets of individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. J Exp Med 177: 955, 1993 Luo HY, Rubio M, Biron G, Delespesse G, Sarfati M: Antiproliferative effect of interleukin-4 in B chronic lymphocytic leukemia. J Imrnunother I0: 418, 1991 121. Reittie JE, Hoffbrand AV: Interleukin-4 IL-4 ; inhibits proliferation and spontaneous cytokine release by chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells. Leuk Res 18: 55, 1994 Israels LG, Israels SJ, Begleiter A, Vergurg L, Schwartz L, Mowat MRA, Johnston JB: Role of transforming growth factor$ in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk Res 17: 81, 1993 Lagneaux L, Delforge A, Dorval C, Bron D, Bosmans E, Stryckmans P: TGF-P inhibits growth of hemopoietic precursors and IL-6 production by bone marrow stromal cells inB-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia B-CLL ; . Blood 80: 115a, 1992 abstr, suppl.
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Strongly suspected even if organisms are not grown Ward, Cohen and Bauer 1960 ; . Microscopy ofsmears of joint fluid treated with Gram's stain should also be done.
Despite the multiple interventions shown to improve survival, heart failure remains a progressive disease. Fewer than 5% of the patients with advanced heart failure in the United States are eligible for cardiac transplantation, performed in approximately 2500 patients yearly. Implantable mechanical cardiac support devices have reversed life-threatening hypoperfusion when used as a bridge for patients awaiting transplantation. The recently released results of the Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assist Treatment for Congestive Heart failure REMATCH ; trial4 show that these devices improve survival as destination therapy for patients requiring intrave.
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13. Klein CM, Vernino S, Lennon VA, Sandroni P, Fealey RD, Benrud-Larson L, Sletten D, Low PA., The spectrum of autoimmune autonomic neuropathies., Ann Neurol. 2003 Jun; 53 6 ; : 752-8. We analyzed the clinical characteristics of 18 patients 13 female, 5 male ; who had autoimmune autonomic neuropathy AAN ; and ganglionic acetylcholine receptor AChR ; autoantibodies. Mean age was 61.4 years standard deviation, 12.0 years ; . Ten patients had subacute symptom onset, six with an antecedent event. Eight patients had chronic AAN, characterized by insidious symptom onset, without antecedent event, and gradual progression. A majority of patients NeurOptics ?p 16 8!
Synagogues, religious services, Santeria, Krishna, buildings, doorways, graffiti, drugs, tattoos, drag queens, social events, street actions, community board meetings, funerals and most other aspects of public life. In addition to his outstanding collection is his art gallery Clayton Gallery & Outlaw Art Museum, established in 1986. "Outlaw" does not refer to criminality but to art that has been involved in some kind of litigation or court police action. Most artists represented in the gallery and museum are outside the mainstream. They include Charles Gatewood, a photographer and author of Pushing Ink with Spider Webb; Peter Missing, originator of the Missing Foundation Punk band; Baba Raul Canizares, author of a number of books on Santeria, among them Walking with the Night: Cuban Santeria, for which Clayton helped Baba develop a modernmagic system and mysoline.
The Muse Sang in his Ear: Lessons From the Life and Work of C. Eric Lincoln 5 I worry a lot about the hypocrisy in our nation's current debate over why it is that poor or Black students lag behind Whites or others with money in performance or levels of educational attainment. The implication seems to be that Black students aren't learning because of their own limitations, rather than those of the school systems of which they are a part. Now I not denying that there are factors related to environment or lack of family support or poverty that contribute to underachievement in school. And, let's be real. A lot of us don't apply ourselves the way we should. Of course, the real villain, the primary cause of Black underachievement in school, especially in the formative years of public elementary and secondary school, is that the children who need help the most are receiving the least. These are the children in the inadequately staffed or equipped schools, who don't have access to advanced placement or college preparatory courses, or who are taught critical subjects such as science or mathematics by "out of field teachers." Each time test scores are printed in the paper or I see a headline that says, "Blacks lag behind Whites" in one area or another, I cringe. I know that many Whites and not an inconsequential number of Blacks see only the failure of the students rather than the failure of the schools and the system that are supposed to help them to learn. I worry a bit about our historically Black colleges and universities, too. I love these schools because they are the avenue to advancement for so many of our people and still graduate a disproportionately high percentage of the African Americans with four-year degrees. But these schools are under-resourced and under stress. We need to create a more fulsome culture of giving in our community, if these schools are to prosper and remain independent repositories of Black learning, history, culture and experience. All universities exist as " dwives for the delivery of ideas. The university is the ultimate stage for the pursuit of truth, and truth unadorned is the goal of all serious thinking. The true university initiates and endows the great conversation, the exchange of ideas to be tried and tested in the crucible of contrariety In the true university, the optimum possibilities of the intellectual enterprise are promoted when earnest scholars at varying levels of maturation attend each other in the interest of the total society they exist to serve. Some may be called professors, others may be called students, but their common task is to exchange ideas, to test the quality of ideas, and to examine and refine processes through which improved ideas may come into being, be communicated, and find their proper expression in the enhancement of the human condition. In short, the university exists for the celebration and the instrumentation of learning, and learning is the principal means through which a society sustains itself, renews itself, and validates its continued existence.ix Where is the moral leadership, the intellectual leadership of the great universities on the issue of overcoming racism in America? Why aren't our universities more engaged and functioning as laboratories for solving community problems and meeting community needs? I never saw academe as something separate from society. I always sought to use what I learned in the classroom or library to solve actual problems in the real world.
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5. Ingested Interferon Alpha: Prolongation or Permanence of the "Honeymoon" Phase enhance B cell survival ; in Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Contact: Staley Brod, M.D. 713-500-7046 Staley.A od uth.tmc , Dept. of Neurology, Rm MSB 7.044, Univ. of Texas-Houston Medical School, Houston, Texas, 77030. Study ID Numbers NCRR-M01RR02558-0135; M01RR02558 and nadolol.
Institutional care. After one year, nine percent of the donepezil patients and 14 percent of patients given placebo were institutionalized. This was not a statistically significant difference. At the end of the three-year study, 42 percent of patients taking donepezil and 44 percent of those on placebo had been institutionalized. The results for progression of disability using the BADLS found no statistically significant difference between donepezil and placebo at one year. There were 13 percent of donepezil users and 19 percent of those taking placebo classified as having their disability progress during this time period. At the end of the three-year study, 55 percent of patients taking donepezil and 53 percent of those on placebo were classified as having their disability progress. Donepezil was found to be statistically better than placebo on a commonly used survey known as the mini-mental state examination MUSE ; . The MUSE is a measure of cognitive status in adults. It can be used to screen for cognitive impairment, to estimate the severity of cognitive impairment at a given point in time, to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time, and to document an individual's response to treatment. Donepezil was 0.8 points better on average than placebo on this 30 point survey. There was no statistical difference between donepezil and the placebo in behavioral and psychological symptoms, carer psychopathology, cost of care, unpaid caregiver time, adverse effects or deaths. The AD2000 authors concluded that: Donepezil is not cost effective, with benefits below minimally.
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Where u 1 2x , the frequency of a sinusoidal plane wave along the x-axis, and x and y are the deviations of the Gaussian envelope along the x and y axes. Filters with other orientations can be obtained by rotating the coordinate system. In our tests, we used four ori, entations: o , 45o90o , 135o and the radial frequencies u0 are 1 octave apart: 0 2, For an image with a width of 2W pixels, the high est radial frequency falling inside the image array is 2 2W -2 From each filtered image g, we compute a feature image using the nonlinear transformation | tanh gs ; |, s S; followed by a Gaussian blurring with a deviation proportional to the center frequency of the Gabor filter: k u0 . our experiments, the Gabor filtered images are scaled to the interval [-1, 1] and we set 40 and k 1 and nafcillin.
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The chromatogram in Figure 2 shows asymmetric peaks with noticeable shouldering on their right side. Only the Uracil peak does not have a shoulder. Usually, shoulders are the result of coeluting substances or stereoisomers. In this case, the mixture contains only the five known substances, which are well separated; stereoisomers do not exist for any substance. Thus, the cause of the shouldering is assumed to be from the temperature gradient in the column cold autosampler side vs warmer detector side + radial temperature gradient ; . The uracil peak does not have a shoulder because it eluted very close tR 0.975 ; to the dead time t0 0.885 min ; . Therefore, the uracil peak is not considered for any further discussion of eluent preconditioning effects.
SU PAR at daybreak; sul amont: at sunset; sul tard: at a late hour in - su la Vierte: in the spring; su la sere: in the evening; hat intops su la s strade: to find obstacles in one's way to - clam su l'arme: to call to arms; meti la firme sunt'une ltare: to put one's signature to a letter about - al sui cincuante: he is about fifty. su par prep on, up, about - su pes shalis: up the stairs; rimpinsi su par un arbul: to climb up a tree; un sa su pe leteradure dal Nuvcent: an essay on 20th century literature. s av up - and fro, back and forth; s lis mans: hands up; jev s: to get up; st s: to keep afloat; tir s: to bring up; meti s hase: to set up house; o soi sigYr ch'al anhem s: I sure he is still up; no le i s cun nissun jo: I don't bear anyone a grudge - ann s: let's go upstairs. suage f frame - suage di un cuadri: picture frame; a vl plui la suage che no il cuadri: the frame is worth more than the picture fig ; setting - une suage di splendidis montagnis: a marvellous mountain setting. suv ag sweet, soft, gentle - une muse suave: a sweet face. suavitt f sweetness, softness. subcuient m psic ; subconsciousness. subiet m subject - l'obiet e il subiet: the object and the subject; chest subiet nol adatt pal teatri: this subject is not fit for the stage ag subject. subietv ag subjective. subiss vtr to ruin. subt av immediately, at once, directly, soon - lu fasarai subt: I will do it immediately directly, at once subt dasp lis cuatri: soon after four o'clock; al riv subt daYr: he arrived just afterwards. subitani ag sudden, unexpected. sublim ag sublime, lofty. sublimitt f sublimity, loftiness. suburbi m suburb s ; . sucedi vintr to happen, to befall, to occur, to come about, to go on - chest al sucd disps: this often happens; al di sei sucedYt alc: something must have happened; a son robis ch'a sucedin: these things will happen; ce sucedial?: what is the matter?, what is up?, what is going on?; cemYd esal sucedYt?: how did it come about?; la ene a sucd a Florence: the scene is set takes place ; in Florence. sucs m success - senes di sucs: eager for success; v sucs: to achieve success. sucession f succession - une sucession seguitive di visitis: a continuous endless ; succession of visits - tasse di sucession: inheritance tax. sucessr m successor. sucrt m place to put things in hidingplace, place of concealment. sucursl f branch, branch house. sud m south. sud vtrintr to perspire, to sweat - il hald mi fs sud: the heat makes me perspire; sud sudrs di sang: to sweat blood; o i sudt sudrs di sang: I have worked like a nigger to swear, to exude, to exude moisture, to ooze - il mYr al sude: the wall sweats; i parts de grote a sudavin: the walls of the cave exuded moisture. sudadi ag damp with sweat. Sudfriche m geogr ; South Africa. sudt ag sweaty, bathed in sweat - jessi sudt in aghe: to be bathed in sweat. sudit m subject. sudit vtr to subdue. sudividi vtr to subdivide. sudivision f subdivision. sudizion f subjection - sudizion a la le: subjection to the law awe, embarrassment, uneasiness, timidity, shyness, submission f sudizion: to awe; mi fs sudizion: he makes me feel uneasy; o i sudizion in lui: I feel uneasy with him. sudizions ag timid, shy. sudr m sweat, perspiration - i sudrs j gotavin j dal cerneli: the sweat was dripping from his brow. sudor vintr to sweat, to perspire - sudorsi il pan: to earn one's living by the sweat of one's brow. sudori m sweat, perspiration. suee f threshold. suel vtr to resole. suele f sole - suele di gome: rubber sole. suficient ag sufficient, enough - une cuantitt suficient: a sufficient quantity; no crd che chest al sar suficient: I don't think that this will be enough m sufficient. suft m ceiling. sufr vtrintr to suffer - al sufri di reumatics: he suffers from rheumatism. suger vtr to suggest. sugeridr m suggester. sugeriment m suggestion. suget agm subject. sugs ag juicy, sappy, mellow. suicidi m suicide, self-murder, self-slaughter. suicidiari m suicide. suj vtr to dry up, to wipe, to absorb - sujsi lis lgrimis: to wipe away one's tears; suiti lis mans: wipe your hands; sujle: to get off; le sujade a bon marht: he got off cheap to pump. sujant ag drying, absorbent. sujeman m towel. sum vtr to add up, to reckon up. sumari m summary. sume f sum, amount - une sume di bs: a sum of money. sumiere f drowsiness, somnolence. sumiergi vtr to subdue, to subject, to conquer - sumiergi une nazion: to subject a nation; no sta lassti sumiergi, fs riviel!: don't let them walk upon you and naloxone.
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| Muse london reviewAs artists - and believe me, scrapbookers are artists we are all bound to suffer from creative block at times, while our muses taunt us and hide. Often life gets in the way, as children tug our sleeves and dinner cooks or burns in my case ; in the oven. Sometimes we simply need a boost from the digi-scrapping community or just simply to stop trying so hard and relax. I, for one, know that I tend to take myself, and my endeavors, a little too seriously. I don't allow myself to make mistakes. The end result is that I fail to challenge myself, to try new things, or to experiment. And as it turns out, my creativity suffers for it. In using these, methods I often able to combat creative block and woo my muse out of hiding and become inspired to create again.
Author: linda brookes is a freelance medical writer and editor who commutes between london and new york, working for a variety of clients in the healthcare and pharmaceutical fields and naltrexone.
Coleman to Clayburn Brick Company ICC Documents, pp. 252-57 ; . Ultimately, in the late 1970s and early 1980s the Band took back the land and now manufactures clay bricks through its own company, Sumas Clay Products. Andrew Haydon, McGiverin Haydon & Greig, Barristers and Solicitors, to J.D. McLean, Department of Indian Affairs, July 22, 1910, NA, RG 10, vol. 8094, file 987 32-306-5, pt. 1 ICC Documents, p. 59 ; . Memorandum from Superintendent General of Indian Affairs to Governor General in Council, July 26, 1910, NA, RG 10, vol. 8086, file 987 31-2-30-6, VV & EN, pt. 1 ICC Documents, p. 65 and muse.
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TABLE I Effect of GFP fused IP3BPs on global Ca2 c signaling in intact COS-7 cells Cells transfected with GFP-N, p130PH-GFP, or GFP-IP3R224 605 were stimulated with Ca2 -mobilizing agonists as follows: 50 M ATP; 100 ng ml EGF; 200 nM bradykinin BK and 2 M thapsigargin in the presence or absence of 2 mM CaCl2 in the extracellular medium Ca2 or Ca2 ; . No. S T ; , the silent cell numbers cell without response ; versus total cell numbers; a.u., arbritrary units. The results of 12 fluorescenceimaging experiments cells were summarized and naratriptan.
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