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DAF COMP 2007 ; 40 welfare of all consumers.66 Furthermore, several competition agencies have already demonstrated that they can make valuable contributions to the dialogue on how to improve patent systems.67 The US Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice, for example, held joint hearings on competition and patent policy a few years ago. The FTC report that followed contains concrete suggestions for improving patent quality and minimizing the anticompetitive impact of the patent system. The recommendations were directed toward Congress, the courts, and the PTO.68 The FTC continued that effort by co-hosting a Patent Reform Conference and a series of town meetings in 2005.69 The town meetings took place in various cities around the US and were held for the purpose of soliciting opinions from practitioners, inventors, and the general public on various proposals for patent reform. A more direct way that competition agencies could act would be to use competition laws to reduce or eliminate the market power that occasionally arises from patents that never should have been granted according to the standards in IP laws. There are numerous examples in OECD countries of companies being compelled to license their IP as a result of the finding that they had violated a competition law.70 But when a patent holder does not wish to license its technology to anyone, seeking to force the company to do so may not be the best approach a competition agency could take. As Shapiro points out, [w]hen a private party is granted a patent . giving the owner exclusive rights over certain intellectual property, and then antitrust rules are interpreted to require that these rights be licensed to others, public policy and the law are confused and contradictory. Apart from undermining precisely the exclusive rights that were granted, compulsory licensing raises the thorny issue of the terms and conditions on which such licenses must be granted . From an economic perspective, imposing mandatory licensing on those whose innovations have the most significant economic effects makes little sense. Imposing mandatory licensing on patent holders who obtain a monopoly would undermine the rights of inventors whose innovations are the most valuable, as evidenced by their ability to transform an industry and, by dint of their superior technology, drive older technologies from the market. Innovation and competition are best promoted by carefully and properly defining the property rights awarded by the patent system, by taking steps to insure that such rights are only granted for true innovations, and then by letting patent holders assert those rights to exclude infringing rivals.71
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39. O'Brien LA, Siegert EA, Grisso JA, et al. Tube feeding preferences among nursing home residents. J Gen Intern Med 1997; 12: 364-371. Bourdel-Marchasson I, Dumas F, Finganaud G, et al. Audit of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in long-term enteral feeding in a nursing home. Int J Qual Health Care 1997; 8: 297. Haddad RY, Thomas DR. Enteral nutrition and enteral tube feeding. Review of the evidence. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 2002; 18 4 ; : 867-81. 42. Sitzman JV. Nutritional support of the dysphagic patient: Methods, risks and complications of therapy. JPEN Parenter Enteral Nutr 1990; 14: 60-63. Roenn JHV. Randomized trials of megestrol acetate for AIDS-associated anorexia and cachexia. Oncology 1994: 51: 19-24. Simons JP, Aaronson NK, Vansteenkiste JF, et al. Effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate on appetite, weight and quality of life in advanced-state non-hormone-sensitive cancer: A placebo-controlled multicenter study. J Clin Oncol 1996; 14: 1077-1084. Fietau R, Riepl M, Kettner H, et al. Supportive use of megestrol acetate in patients with head and neck cancer during radio chemo ; therapy. Eur J Cancer 1997; 33: 75-79. Castle S, Nguyen C, Joaquin A, et al. Megestrol acetate suspension therapy in the treatment of geriatric anorexia cachexia in nursing home patients. J Geriatr Soc 1995; 43: 835-836. Neri B, Garosi VL, Intini C. Effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate on the quality of life of the oncologic patient: A multicenter cooperative study. Anti-Cancer Drugs 1997; 8 5 ; : 459-465. 48. Lien YH, Ruffenach SJ. Low dose megestrol increases serum albumin in malnourished dialysis patients. Int J Artif Organs 1996; 19: 147-150. Yeh SS, Wu SY, Lee TP, et al. Improvement in quality-of-life measures and stimulation of weight gain after treatment with megestrol acetate oral suspension in geriatric cachexia: Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Geriatr Soc 2000; 48: 485-492. Karcic E, Philpot C, Morley JE. Treating malnutrition with megestrol acetate: Literature review and review of our experience. The Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging 2002; 6: 1191-2000. Kaiser FE, Silver AJ, Morley J. The effect of recombinant human growth hormone on malnourished older individuals. J Geriatr Soc 1991; 39: 235-240. Cohn L, Feller AG, Draper MW, et al. Carpal tunnel syndrome and gynecomastia during human growth hormone treatment of elderly men with low circulating IGF-1 concentrations. Clin Endocrinol 1993; 39: 417425. Berger JR, Pall L, Hall CD, et al. Oxandrolone in AIDS-wasting myopathy. AIDS 1996; 10: 1657-1662. Mendenhall CL, Mortiz TE, Roselle GA, et al. A study of oral nutritional support with oxandrolone in malnourished patients with alcoholic hepatitis: Results of a Department of Veterans Affairs cooperative study. Hematology 1993; 17: 564-576. Bocker P, Vellas B, Albarede JL, et al. A two-center, randomized, doubleblind trial of ornithine oxoglutarate in 194 elderly, ambulatory, convalescent subjects. Age Ageing 1994; 23: 303-306. Beal JE, Olson R, Laubenstein L, et al. Dronabinol as a treatment for anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS. J Pain Symptom Manage 1995: 10: 89-97. Volicer L, Stelly M, Morris J, et al. Effects of dronabinol on anorexia and disturbed behavior in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 1997; 12: 913-919. O'Neill PA, Duggan J, Davies I. Response to dehydration in elderly patients in long-term care. Aging 1997; 9: 372-377. Thomas DR, Tariq SH, Makhdomm S, Haddad R, Moinuddin A. Physician misdiagnosis of dehydration in older adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2003; 4 5 ; : 251-4. 60. Armstrong-Esther CA, Brone KD, Armstrong-Esther DC, et al. The institutionalized elderly: Dry to the bone. Int J Nurs Stud 1996; 33: 619-628. Berger EY. Nutrition by hypodermoclysis. J Geriatr Soc 1984; 32: 199.
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This supports earlier studies that suggested that NFV does not significantly inhibit the gluc-4 transporter system as mentioned above. Nevertheless, insulin resistance did worsen over time in a subset of subjects and further study is warranted to explore these findings. Lipids and sugar metabolism improve after switch from protease inhibitor to nevirapine, efavirenz or abacavir regimens in NEFA Study In addition, Dr Fisac presented further data on the metabolic complications evaluated in the NEFA study [5]. NEFA was an open-label randomised study comparing three different protease inhibitor-sparing regimens ABC-abacavir, EFV-efavirenz, and NVP-nevirapine ; in HIV-positive individuals who had been previously exposed to protease inhibitorcontaining regimens. A sub-study in 92 patients was conducted to evaluate the switching effect on metabolic and body composition parameters. The metabolic outcomes in 69 patients who maintained the initially allocated treatment for 24 months ABC: n 22; EFV: n 21; NVP: n 26 ; were presented. Fasting serum total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDLc ; , high-density lipoprotein cholesterol HDLc ; , triglycerides, glucose, and insulin were determined. Insulin resistance by the homeostasis model assessment and total cholesterol: HDLc ratio were also calculated. In an overall analysis, insulin, insulin resistance, total cholesterol, LDLc, HDLc, and total cholesterol: HDLc ratio improved.
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This entry was deleted from annex i in the 15th atp, as there was no evidence that the substance should be classified for health effects and dss.
Fig. 3. Electron micrographs of aortic endothehal injury 1 hr following endotoxin in A ; neutropenic rabbit, and B ; and C ; normal rabbits. Note severe vacUolation v ; , nuclear contraction, subendothelial edema ed ; , arcade formation, and frank sloughIng of endothelium E ; Into lumen I ; , with platelets ad`O.
Ygens, " of which only six could represent actually present neighbors of one cation. The second model, involving rotation of the NO, groups or CO, groups in CaCOr ; to new halfway positions, resultedin each cation fsing surroundedby eighteen"half-oxygens" or nine true neighbors.In an isothermalsectionsuch as Figure 2, it is evident that despite its higher entropy the disorderedphaseis denserthan the ordered phase.Furthermore, Sr is a larger cation than Ca and is preferentially fractionated into the disordered structure.Both observations tend to support the second structural model, in which the cations are more highly coordinated, and which is therefore more likely to be the denser structure. One alternative possibility, namely that the transition which inflects the calcite-aragonite equilibrium curve involves Bridgman's calcite II, has also been investigated experimentally. Merrill and Bassett's 1975 ; structure determination of calcite II demonstrates that, despite a smaller cell volume, calcite II has a greater averageCa-O bond lenglh than calcite I. In consequence, calcite II is expected accommoto date substitution of the larger Sr ion for Ca more readily than calcite I. This is compatiblewith the observeddistribution of Sr betweenthe two rhombohedral phasesseenin Figures3A, and 3B. Thus the calcite II structure is a potential candidate for the disordered calcite phase encountered in the present study, the results of Kondo et al. 1972 ; notwithstanding. However, if calcite II were actually the phase involved, then the disordered rhombohedral phasesof Chang 1965 ; would be expectedto have the calcite II structure, in view of the apparent correspondencebetweenthe CaCO, triple point and the binary three-phase equilibrium. Given the subtlety of the features distinguishing the calcite II structure from a disordered rhombohedral structure, it is conceivable that these details of the X-ray diffraction pattern might previously have been overlookedin binary Ca-Sr carbonates, they as were in the first two X-ray characterizationsof calcite II. To explore this possibility, high-lsmnerature Xray powder diffraction patterns of binary Ca-Sr carbonates were obtained using a Norelco difractometer with a platinum strip heater. These experiments were designedto observe, ifpossible, the presence of dffiaction maxima correspondingto the Oll, 221, 214, and 104 peaks reported as new reflections for calcite II by Merrill and Bassett 1975 ; .Under a CO, atmosphere, metastable orthorhombic coprecipitates were observed to undergo transition at temperatures consistent with Chang's 1965, Fig. 5 ; phasediagram and dulcolax.
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The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement. One should carefully evaluate such statements in light of factors, including risk factors, described in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, especially on Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K. In Item 1 of the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005, which will be filed in March 2006, the Company discusses in more detail various important factors that could cause actual results to differ from expected or historic results. The Company notes these factors for investors as permitted by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Prior to the filing of the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005, reference should be made to Item 1 of the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004. One should understand that it is not possible to predict or identify all such factors. Consequently, the reader should not consider any such list to be a complete statement of all potential risks or uncertainties.
Exploreum but couldn't reach their target market effectively. Then Carpe Diem joined up with New York Bagel Caf & Deli at its Hillcrest Road location. NY Bagel closed in the late 1990s. That's when Alan Tolson entered the picture. He was working with NY Bagel and had the food experience that Carpe Diem wanted. "It was time, " Rusling said, "to put the focus back on this location and our wholesale business." Sales outside Mobile represent 60 percent of the company's wholesale revenue, according to Tolson, roastmaster and wholesale manager. In an average year, Carpe Diem roasts 40, 000 pounds of coffee beans, capable of brewing 1.4 million cups of hot java. Tolson learned the basics of roasting at seminars and reading articles. "It takes experience and experimenting to create your own unique product, " he said. "It's like an artist. No two people, given the same variety of coffee, will arrive at the same blend." The company uses a coffee broker based in California to import unroasted coffee bean varieties from 20 countries of origin including Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Jamaica, Kenya and Nicaragua. "That gives us an infinite number of possibilities, " said Tolson. Central and South American countries are known for their mild flavors, while Africa has more exotic tastes. "Blending beans from different countries gives us our own distinct taste, " said Tolson. Roasting a batch of coffee beans take about a half-hour from start to finish. Cold beans are poured into a pre-heated roaster. As the temperature increases to 400 degrees or more, the beans turn from green to light green to yellow, evolving into a variety of golden browns. The first stage is signaled by a cracking sound and signifies the moisture expanding the bean. This is where the process ends for medium-roasted coffee beans, and the beans cool for five to 10 minutes. Dark roasted varieties go through a second cracking or popping process. Carpe Diem employs an average of 17 people, including six full-time. "Our size gives us an advantage, and makes us extremely flexible to react to any changes needed, " said Tolson. "Staying small allows us to maintain the quality of our product, " added Rusling. Dedicated to the local community it serves, Carpe Diem sponsors events such as a Santa Run. Christmas Eve runners and walkers dress like Santa to benefit the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and honor Van's memory. Carpe Diem has come almost full circle, reaching a comfortable level of success where they can help others who want to start a coffee shop. And as Cadzow mentored Carpe Diem's development, Rusling and Tolson have identified 25 areas where they can help guide new entrepreneurs. "It helps to shorten the learning curve incredibly, " said Tolson. The Ruslings' goal was to become a tradition. In 12 years of service, the daily traffic pattern shows Carpe Diem is not only a tradition, it has become the living room of Spring Hill. The house on Old Shell has good karma, said Rusling. "People have met and gotten married, people have written books and movie scripts here and duragesic.
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The expert committee on drug dependence ecdd ; , a committee of experts of the united nations, has underwrite a recommendation addressed to the commission on narcotic drugs cnd ; of the un in which it is asked that dronabinol the thc ; to be reclassificated from table ii to less restrictive table iii of the convention on the substances psichotrops of the united nations and echinacea.
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On-line coupling: MESSy system Modular Earth Submodel System ; : definition of infrastructure for the coupling of various programs some similarity to the PRISM system ; where all used programs are to be unified in one executable file. In 2006, several chemistry components may be coupled to a GCM ECHAM5, MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg ; where a choice of different CTMs may be made for the same task. In cooperation with the Universities of Mainz Professor Wernli ; and Bonn Prof. Bott ; in `operational atmospheric chemistry in multiscale models'. Plans for on-line coupling: There are plans to integrate the LM into MESSy leading to a coupling of ECHAM5-LM, both simulating chemistry. Bonn university plans the introduction of a tracer into LM investigating advection algorithms, turbulent and convective tracer transport, interactions atmosphere soil and trace gases aerosols!
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